I am Grateful for feelings of Gratitude.
In feeling Gratitude, I feel the dross slip away.
There is an easing of the body’s nervous system.
Tears well as I give Gratitude for Life and what has been offered in all It’s variety and fullness.
I give Gratitude for that which brings me into a state of Joy, thereby creating more.
To co-share Life with my beLoved brings me to a place of deep Gratitude as I have felt the contrast in this lifetime.
To co-share Life amidst like-hearted Community brings me to a state of Awe.
Observing the glory and her fierce power, Mother Nature beckons me into feelings of Gratitude.
Feeling Gratitude is this one’s quickest and surest way to feeling the Love of God.
What is your go-to for falling in Love?
What is your surest way to tap into Joy?
For what are you Grateful?
How may this transformation coach assist you in Walking your own Wisdom toward feelings of Gratitude? Joy? Love? Wanna explore? It is my Joy to co-create a coaching session with you having the focus and intention of feeling and expressing the core, the truth, of Who You Are.