The forest is a magical venue for stepping out of time. I head into her daily. She speaks to me constantly. Am I listening? Do I hear her nuances of dialogue? The bird sound asks me to come to presence, to the present moment, in which all that is, is. As I release clinging to the past, recognizing that the future is but a possibility, I am supported to embrace what is true, that all there is, is Now. Reality occurs in this Now moment. And then in this Now moment. And then in this one. The forest simply asks for my attention to the messages that can only be heard given the stillness of the mind. When I am able to do so, Joy seeps into my awareness; Peace fills the emptiness; Gratitude emanates from the soul.
Here at Walking Wisdom, we support you via a coaching partnership in deepening into the truth that is true always, you are as God created you: still, vast, all encompassing, perfect in all expressions. My goal as a coach is to be the presence that prompts you to deepen into awareness of this truth via removing obstacles to Love. Just what are those obstacles?
Why that chatty li’l mind has been reciting that story for how many years now? OMG, do I still believe what s/he told me about who I was, when I was how many years old? And, I am still carrying that story using it to believe that’s who I am NOW?
Within the coaching experience, it is my every intention to assist you in revisiting these stories and finding where they have a grip on your current expression of yourself. Where are your limiting beliefs regarding who you are? How are they limiting your creative expression in this current time? Who would you be without that limiting belief?
It truly is my Joy to co-create the coaching experience with those who are longing for internal Peace and the Joy of creating magnificently, our True nature. For more information, booking a session with me (a half-hour coaching session for a first-time client is free), and viewing video clips from the magical forest and from our organic farm on the magical island of Maui, visit WalkingWisdom.com.