Something Happening Here

Co-Creation, Community, Covid, Responsibility, Travel / Sunday, May 31st, 2020

There’s something happening here1 
What it is ain’t exactly clear 
There’s a man with an immunization over there 
Telling me I got to beware I think it’s time we stop, humans, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 

There’s separation being drawn 
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong 
Awakening people speaking their minds 
Getting so much resistance from behind 

It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 

Paranoia strikes deep 
Into your life it will creep 
It starts when you’re always afraid 
You step out of line, the man come and take you away 

I think it’s time we stop, people, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 

There’s something happening here.  What it is ain’t exactly clear.  

We have many options on where we choose to learn the unfolding of the world’s events, be it mainstream media, internet radio, written periodicals, word of mouth, and more.  What many believe is truth being spoken and shared through these avenues may, or may not, hold that precision.  How do we know when what is being shared is honest and accurate? 

Most of us have never even thought of doubting the truth of what is articulated via the mainstream media.  We have trusted that those spokespersons representing the media are relaying the honest truth regarding current events.  However, there are only five major corporations (Comcast, Walt Disney, Turner Broadcasting/Time Warner, 21st Century Fox owned by Rupert Murdoch, National Amusements owned by billionaire Sumner Redstone) that control 90% of the media that is broadcast.  Perhaps a query may occur to the reader regarding diversity, such as: “If the majority of the news broadcasting stations are owned by five major corporations focused on producing money, might there be an alternative motive for their news content?”  This may be likened to an oligopoly, a few companies holding majority interest in the news content programming.  If one trusts their motives, then the broadcast news is wholly accepted as accurate and true.  However, as one chooses to research the motives for broadcasting news via any of these five corporations and their ownership, perhaps one’s trust may wane and with further inquiry, justification may be revealed in the severing of the blanket trust. 

If that doesn’t give one fodder for thought, let’s try this one on for size.  Who funds the majority of our medical doctor’s education and the testing of pharmaceutical drugs? Why, it is the big pharmaceutical companies!  According to an article published by a senior lecturer in social medicine at Harvard Medical School, “It has now become entirely standard for pharmaceutical companies to have a direct hand in both the design and analysis of clinical trials, and in the authorship of results.”2   Whew!  Where is the distinction between manufacturer of the drug and testing of that same drug?  Could there possibly be a conflict of interest? 

In this time of Covid-19, both the mainstream broadcast news and the medical system’s response including their pharmaceutical suggestions, may be scrutinized as we awaken to the possibility that we are not being told the entire truth of what is actually unfolding during this chaotic time upon planet Earth.  The following are some offers, and even more importantly, self-inquiries, presented with the intention for opening to alternative perspectives for what is actually unfolding upon the planet.   

Complacency:  Has the human race become complacent, trusting our governments, trusting our medical providers, sans the good practice of standing in our solidarity utilizing our discernment?  Has humanity given its power to doctors, solely because they are highly intelligent and “know best”, all the while disregarding and thereby, disrespecting, our own intuitive knowing?  Has humanity given over its power to governments with the underlying assumption that “they know best” and can “take care” of us?    

Virus Validity:  What if Covid-19 is not actually a virus at all?  The gold standard medical testing has never substantiated the existence of a virus.  Perhaps this virus is something altogether different … something such as an “exosome”, a byproduct of a human cell which may quite likely assist the body in evolution?  See Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s explanation on exosome theory for a passionate and clear explanation.  

Escalating Fear: The mainstream news consistently highlights fear regarding all aspects of Covid-19.  What is gained by creating fear in humanity?  Why, it reduces our immune system!  Perhaps fear is the one that is contagious and not Covid-19!  The fear of contracting the alleged virus keeps humans separated, secluded in their homes, wearing masks when out and ‘bout, separating one’s self by a minimum of 6 feet from another, all in the name of not contracting a so-called virus.   

Immunization Validity: There is controversy regarding the contents of vaccines given to infants and children, the annual flu vaccine, and now, the proposed Covid-19 vaccine.  Just what is in this latest vaccine?  Heavy metals?  Microchip?  What is prompting Bill Gates to be involved with vaccines when he has no medical background?  It actually has not been proven that any of these vaccines eliminate the targeted disease(s).  See more on this from Dr. Andrew Kaufman at Andrew Kaufman MD.      

Separation versus One-ness: The wearing of a mask in public locations, the social distancing, the seclusion of staying at home, all perpetuate separation.  Humans are social beings.  Socializing is the basis of connection and connection is the basis of recognizing our interconnectedness or One-ness.  Could there be an alternate reason that humanity is being sequestered?  What is unfolding unbeknownst to the population while humans are sequestered at home?  More fodder. 

Mask: Does the wearing of a mask “protect” one from a so-called virus?  What if the particles that supposedly cause a virus are smaller than any material could shield against?  What does a person’s inhaling of recycled/spent air from the lungs within the pocket of the mask contribute toward the next inhale?  Could the outgassing from prior breaths, in turn inhaled in the next breath, cause shortness of breath due to higher levels of inhaled carbon dioxide?  Could the donning of a mask actually increase the likelihood of disease due to the inhalation of toxins that normally would be exhaled into open air? 

Some masks are being donned that are of a designer nature, decorated with beads and paraphernalia which although may beautifully alter the appearance, in any event, the mask remains a separator – a separator of the one wearing the mask from those whom they interface and interact.  It is as though expression is hidden cloistered behind a veil.  Humans are social beings.  Is this a further reason that humans are being asked to wear masks, this being to decrease our connection with and amongst each other, interfering with the ability to openly communicate. 

5G, Glyphosate, Aerial Spraying: Perhaps the toxic combination of fifth generation technology (5G), genetically modified food sources, aerial spraying of heavy metals, combined with immunizations are causing a toxicity of the human body that decreases the ability to ward off disease.  For more on this, see presentations by Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

Confusion: What is at the heart of all the various forms of disinformation leading to humanity’s confusion regarding what is REALLY unfolding here?  Could it be that confusion, fueled by fear, creates more internal disharmony leading to increased likelihood of illness?  Does confusion feed stability or destabilize the psyche? 

Freedom: What constitutional rights are being removed, little step by step, regarding freedom of expression, freedom to gather, freedom of speech?  Does it feel like freedom when one is not permitted to keep one’s business viably operating?  Does it feel like freedom to be told one cannot walk the beach, visit a park, leave the house?  Has humanity given their power over to those who supposedly know what is “best” for us?  Is humanity slowly being cooked like the proverbial frog, degree by degree, until the water is boiling and the frog is no more?   

What David Icke coins with the phrase, “Totalitarian Tiptoe”, refers to the world domination method of slow encroachment on civil liberties and freedoms, used by a small few that want to control the world.  For example, considering what unfolded immediately following the events of 9/11 was the rather quick (had it previously been prepared?) implementation of homeland security and the subsequent invasive pre-screening of travelers.  Via the government’s institution of traveler pat-down, full body scanners, rummaging through personal belongings within luggage, was the inception of numbing down the general population to the violation of personal privacy.  Over time, and with the general population’s acceptance or perhaps better described as lack of inquisition, the screening has become ever more pervasive with the usage of more sophisticated scanning devices.  

This is a call out to all who have ears to hear, and the heart to intuit, FEEL the truth that is true for you.  It is time for humanity to step into their solidarity, to operate from the heart’s knowing, and no longer rely on the well, or not so well, intentions of others! 


[1] For What It’s Worth 
Songwriter: Stephen Stills 

There’s something happening here 
What it is ain’t exactly clear 
There’s a man with a gun over there 
Telling me I got to beware 

I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 

There’s battle lines being drawn 
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong 
Young people speaking their minds 
Getting so much resistance from behind 

It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 

What a field-day for the heat 
A thousand people in the street 
Singing songs and carrying signs 
Mostly say, hooray for our side 

It’s s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 

Paranoia strikes deep 
Into your life it will creep 
It starts when you’re always afraid 
You step out of line, the man come and take you away 

We better stop, hey, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 
Stop, hey, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 
Stop, now, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 
Stop, children, what’s that sound 
Everybody look what’s going down 

[2] Drug Companies and Medicine: What Money Can Buy